SBHA Youth Initiative Program Announcement

SBHA Youth Committee has finalized the last few details for the development of the SBHA Youth Initiative Program that will begin in the 2021-2022 Field Trial Season.

The SBHA Youth Initiative's Mission is simple: Encourage Youth Participation in both Walking and Horseback Field Trials. Our goal is to attract and promote participation at field trials by providing a joyful and positive atmosphere, introduce new participants and returning participants to the joys of hunting and competing over bird dogs.

Committee members are seeking interested clubs willing to host Youth Stakes under the SBHA banner. The trial schedule can be found on our SBHA Youth Initiative Facebook page where locations, trial dates and other details are found.

We will award the TOP 10 Youth Handlers who earn points during the 2021-2022 season and will provide a massive prize structure.

Stay tuned for more details.

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